Objectives and Academic Standards

PreK & K: A Walk in the Desert

推荐一个买球网站想象一下穿越沙漠去发现隐藏的动植物吧. 在遇到这些迷人的沙漠居民时, 推荐一个买球网站会找出它们在这种干燥环境中生存的特殊适应能力.

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Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Obtain, evaluate, 并传达生物体如何利用不同身体部位生存的信息.
Observe, ask questions, and explain how specialized structures found on a variety of plants and animals (including humans) help them sense and respond to their environment.

Grades 1-2: Saguaro Partners

你知道沙瓜罗只存在于索诺兰沙漠吗? Learn how the saguaro is adapted to life here, 并探索它与其他生物共享的重要伙伴关系. 了解壁虎是如何依靠动物授粉和传播种子的, 来看看依靠这只巨兽提供住所和食物的动物们.

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Construct an explanation describing how organisms obtain resources from the environment including materials that are used again by other organisms.
Develop a model representing how life on Earth depends on energy from the Sun and energy from other organisms.

Grades 2-3: Web of Life

Let’s build a food web to explore how the sun’s energy flows through plant “food factories” to producers, consumers, and decomposers. Meet live herbivores, carnivores, and more to discover the important jobs each living thing performs to provide food or return nutrients to the soil to start the cycle anew.

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Develop a model representing how life on Earth depends on energy from the Sun and energy from other organisms.
Develop and use system models to describe the flow of energy from the Sun to and among living organisms.

Grades 3-4: Amazing Arthropods

向学生介绍索诺兰沙漠昆虫的惊人多样性, arachnids, and other fascinating arthropods. 检查活体动物和保存的标本,了解它们的解剖结构和适应性. 确定各种节肢动物在沙漠食物链中的重要作用, pollination, and our ecosystem.

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Develop and use models to explain that plants and animals (including humans) have internal and external structures that serve various functions that aid in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction.

Grades 3-5: Exploring Adaptations

Plants and animals display a fascinating variety of adaptations that help them thrive in the Sonoran Desert. Examine desert plants’ structures to reveal how they deal with the temperature extremes and aridity of this environment. 然后认识一些活的沙漠动物,了解它们作为沙漠居民的成功秘诀!

Additional Resources

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of desert plants, live animals, and preserved specimens, students will:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Develop and use models to explain that plants and animals (including humans) have internal and external structures that serve various functions that aid in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction.  
Construct an argument based on evidence that inherited characteristics can be affected by behavior and/or environmental conditions.

Grades 5-8: Design by Nature

Biomimicry is an approach to innovation that seeks sustainable solutions to human challenges by emulating nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies. Through experimentation with models, a live animal encounter, 探索动植物的适应如何激发了人类的创新, 学生将理解并受到启发,寻求解决现代可持续发展问题.

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Program Objectives

Students will be able to:

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Construct an argument based on evidence that inherited characteristics can be affected by behavior and/or environmental conditions.
5th Grade - Science and engineering practices;  

Analyzing & interpreting data: 

  • 分析数据以完善问题陈述或提出的对象、工具或过程的设计. 

Using mathematics & computational thinking: 

  • Use mathematical thinking and/or computational outcomes to compare alternative solutions to an engineering problem. 

Constructing explanations & designing solutions: 

  • Use evidence (e.g., measurements, observations, 模式)构建一个科学的解释或设计一个问题的解决方案 
  • 运用科学知识解决设计问题. 

 Engaging in argument from evidence 

  • 用证据、数据和/或模型构建和/或支持科学论点. 
  • Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem by citing relevant evidence about how it meets the criteria and constraints of the problem. 
Science Standards:
Use evidence to construct an argument regarding the impact of human activities on the environment and how they positively and negatively affect the competition for energy and resources in ecosystems.
Construct and support an argument about how human consumption of limited resources impacts the biosphere.
6-8 Grade – Science and engineering practices;

Analyzing & interpreting data:  

  • 分析和解释数据,以确定研究结果的异同点. 

Using mathematics & computational thinking: 

  • Use digital tools, mathematical concepts, 和论证,以测试和比较提出的解决方案的工程设计问题. 
  • Use mathematical arguments to describe and support scientific conclusions and design solutions. 

Constructing explanations and designing solutions: 

  • 从模型或表示中构造解释. 

Engage in argument from evidence:  

  • Construct, use, and present oral and written arguments supported by empirical evidence and scientific reasoning to support or refute an explanation for a phenomenon or a solution to a problem. 

Grades 5-8: Invasive Species

People are moving plants and animals around the planet and into new environments more rapidly than ever before. Discover what makes a non-native species invasive and learn about the challenges this creates for iconic Sonoran Desert plants, animals, and landscapes. 探索这些威胁的解决方案,学习推荐一个买球网站都能提供帮助的方法! (这个项目需要教室设备来做ppt演示.)

Arizona Academic Standards Correlation:

Science Standards:
Obtain, evaluate, and communicate evidence about how natural and human-caused changes to habitats or climate can impact populations.
5th Grade: Science and engineering practice;

Analyzing and interpreting data:

  • 解释数据以理解和解释现象


  • Use mathematical arguments to describe and support scientific conclusions and design solutions. 
Use evidence to construct an argument regarding the impact of human activities on the environment and how they positively and negatively affect the competition for energy and resources in ecosystems.  
Engage in argument from evidence to support a claim about the factors that cause species to change and how humans can impact those factors.

All Ages: Desert Reptiles

从蜥蜴,到乌龟,再到蛇,来看看索诺兰沙漠中令人惊叹的爬行动物. 比较它们不同的移动、防御和进食策略. 发现独特的适应能力,使他们坚强的沙漠幸存者.

Additional Resources

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

All Ages: Flying Friends

鸟类、蝙蝠和蜜蜂都在推荐一个买球网站身边,但它们的特别之处在于? Let’s explore their adaptations for getting airborne and discover how they use the power of flight for their unique roles in our desert ecosystem. We’ll even meet a live feathered friend!

Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

All Ages: Meet the Neighbors

As Sonoran Desert dwellers, we have the privilege of sharing the desert with many plants and animals. Some may seem unfamiliar or even a little scary. We’ll explore the lifestyles and beneficial roles of our animal residents and learn how to be good neighbors with wildlife.


Program Objectives:

Through the examination of live animals, artifacts and interactive demonstrations students will:

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